Tag Archive for: kevin decker

Zoning Changes: City of Nanaimo Responds to Bill 44

Bill 44 – zoning changes

The Provincial Budget announced in April includes Bill 44-Small Scale Multi Unit Housing (SSMUH) initiative.  Municipalities in BC had to take action and announce their zoning bylaw changes by June 30, 2024.

On June 18, 2024 the City of Nanaimo’s response was announced.

What is Zoning?

Zoning refers to designations that are set out by a city or regional district that outline what is and isn’t allowed, including conditions for development and land use.  Previously, the bulk of Nanaimo’s residential zoning was R1 – this allowed for one single residential dwelling, or for two principal dwellings on certain corner lots.  R1 zoning has been changed to R5 for the most part; R5 allows for development of small scale multi family residential dwellings of up to 3-4 units.  Many homeowners can now add a secondary suite, and a carriage house.

Click here to check out this City of Nanaimo Zoning Map

Other Changes

Among the changes to zoning types, Nanaimo now recognizes suites in duplexes, row houses and townhouses.  Lot size restrictions for secondary suites are removed, and R5 zoning have decreased front yard setbacks.  Units zoned R14 Old City Low Density, allow for fourplexes, and have special density provisions if the integrity of existing homes are being retained.  For specific details and questions please contact the City of Nanaimo.

The Province’s action of SSMUH addresses the ongoing housing shortage being faced by British Columbians. With multiple programs available, homeowners should ensure they are aware of the tools and resources at their disposal.  The Secondary Suite Incentive is available for those who are building a suite in their principal residence.  This is a $40,000 forgivable loan that assists homeowners with the cost of renovations. The rental suite must be rented at below market rents for 5 years.  To find out what ‘below market rents’ means in your area, please click Here

Our May Blog Post has the basics on the Secondary Suite Initiative. 

For further details of the Suite Assistance Initiative, visit BC Housing Assistance – Suite Initiative.

Our team is here to answer any questions you have. We will help determine the options for turning equity into cashflow. Call us 250-753-2242.



2024 Federal Budget Announcements and Thirty Year Amortization Period

Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland announced April 11, 2024 that the federal government will allow a thirty year amortization period on insured mortgages for first-time homebuyers purchasing newly built homes. Some say expanding the policy to all Canadians would help make home ownership more affordable. The change takes effect Aug. 1, 2024.

Under the current rules, with a down payment less than 20 per cent of the home price, the longest allowable amortization is 25 years. Extending amortization, to a thirty year amortization makes monthly mortgage more affordable for young Canadians who want to buy their first home.

This will allow more opportunities for home ownership and will ultimately contribute to economic revival and economic recovery. Enabling some Canadians to stop renting and become homeowners.

First Time Home Buyers Withdrawal Plan – RRSP

Freeland also announced the government will raise the amount first-time homebuyers can withdraw from their RRSPs to $60,000 from $35,000 to buy a home. That will take effect April 16, 2024 the day the federal budget is set to be released. The size of a down payment and the amount of time needed to save up for one are much larger than they used to be. Withdrawals will also have an extended timeframe for repayment.

People who have made or will make withdrawals between Jan. 1, 2022, and Dec. 31, 2025, are also getting more time to begin repayment — up to five years rather than two. 

Ottawa said the changes are meant to work in tandem with the First Home Savings Account, which it launched last year. The rules governing that program allow prospective homebuyers to start saving for up to 15 years once they open an account, with an annual $8,000 (tax deductible) deposit cap and a lifetime contribution limit of $40,000. Unlike the RRSP First Time Home Buyers Withdrawal Plan, qualified withdrawals do not require repayment and are non-taxable.

Freeland said more than 750,000 Canadians have opened an FHSA to date. While the program came online April 1 of last year, most Canadian financial institutions only began offering the account as of last summer or fall.

Ottawa also announced changes to the Canadian Mortgage Charter that will include an expectation that financial institutions offer permanent amortization relief to protect existing homeowners who meet certain eligibility criteria.

That would allow eligible homeowners to reduce their monthly mortgage payment to a number they can afford for as long as needed.





Did someone say “Second Home” ?


University will start in the Fall. For some of our kids that means seeking accommodation options.  Perhaps your looking to buy a second home to reside in for commuting purposes, or want to buy a vacation property to enjoy.  Others might want to purchase a property to move a family member closer.  Canadians are allowed to purchase a second home with minimum down payment as long as the use of the home meets certain requirements.   


The kids may have graduated high school, but that doesn’t always mean providing for them is done.  High rent amounts and cost of living make it challenging for young adults to get ahead.  Even with full time jobs.  Challenging stressful times await these young adults, going to school, having limited time to work to pay bills, living on their own for the first time and studying to achieve their education goals to secure their future employment. Having housing in place is a monumental difference maker and a stress relief, allowing them to concentrate on schooling.  The second home program can help.


The caveat to this program is that the home must be occupied by an immediate family member. Buying property for a child in University is a great example. Helping a child with housing in that way not only gives them shelter, but provides them the life lesson of homeownership.  They will learn how real estate can produce wealth, and how getting your money to work for you can be a life changer. Help your kids save on rent, while you invest in Real Estate and their future.   University is a massive expense–maybe the real estate you purchase increases in value while they are in school, offsetting the cost of their education.  The return will be worth it! 


The fast ferry is making its maiden voyage in Nanaimo.  With Vancouverites being able to commute to Nanaimo with a short sail across the ocean, housing in Nanaimo will be that much more desirable. More people who already commute that “hour plus” drive in Vancouver to their job can look at purchasing a property in Nanaimo. They could buy a home in Nanaimo as a second property.  Mortgages are possible!


Summer weather comes with heat, and the desire to be by the water. While travelling around during the summer months you might find that special spot you and the family fall in love with. You can look at purchasing a property in that area, creating family memories for generations. That summer cabin can be bought with minimum down, and you can start making your own family memories this year.  

Do you have that family member living far away who has a desire to live closer to you? Help them relocate by purchasing a property with the minimum downpayment: get the family together again. 

With as little as 5% down on the first $500,000 and 10% on the balance, a mortgage for a second home can be achieved.  Applicants are required to qualify for the mortgage without rental income on the new property.  The property has to be for your own, or a close family member’s, use.  This is not the program for a rental purchase.  


For clients in any of these categories, Kevin, Jason and Blaire would be happy to explore options.  Call 250-753-2242 or apply now or email: 






“The wise young man or wage earner of today invests his money in real estate.” -Andrew Carnegie

Death. There, I Said it.

Death. There, I said it.


Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult things a person can face. Being left to navigate the estate process can be daunting.  However, with prudent planning, the people left behind can grieve their loss and support the wishes of their loved one.  Make a plan for those you’ll leave behind–it will give you and your loved ones peace of mind.

It’s never too early (or late) to plan for the unexpected.  Read our tips for simplifying the lives of your loved ones upon your passing.  


Update Beneficiaries


Beneficiaries can be selected on registered investment plans including: Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP), Tax Free Savings Accounts (TFSA), Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIF).   Review your investment plans with your financial advisor to ensure the beneficiary is still relevant. Your life insurance policy is an important part of estate planning.  Review your life insurance beneficiary with your life insurance provider to ensure it is up to date.  Undergoing a major life event should be a que to review your beneficiaries.


Meet with a Professional


Enlist the help of an estate planning professional.  Financial Planners, Lawyers or Notaries are all professionals who can assist in this process.  They can help you consider your estate plan from all angles to best protect and provide for your beneficiaries. When you are making your plan, be clear and direct with your wishes to your estate planner.

Never assume that one partner will “go first”.  Never assume that your partner, or children know your wishes.  Making assumptions adds pressure to your family after your passing, and can create tensions amongst remaining family members. 


Confirm Title of your Home


If you own property, it’s especially important to fully understand the differences in ownership options.  Real Estate is often a cornerstone of an estate, call your lawyer to go over the ownership options in full detail; know the differences and decide on the best fit.  There are two ways that co-owners can be registered on title, each has different implications for the surviving owner.  


Joint Tenants: When one owner passes away, the survivor automatically gets the deceased’s portion.  


Tenants in Common: the interest of a deceased owner gets transferred to its beneficiaries in accordance with that person’s will. 

All too often the conversation regarding finances and death are avoided, and there’s no wonder why.  If you’re married or in a common-law relationship, you and your spouse need to have the “what if” conversation.  As a parent, determine how your children will be taken care of after you pass.  If you have adult children who will handle your estate, make sure they have an understanding of your financial situation. 

Indicate the following: where your bank accounts are held, what your financial assets are, the details of your mortgage, if you own your home free & clear, what the ownership structure of your property is.  If you are deferring your property taxes or not, and tell them where your will is located.  The more your loved ones know about how you want your estate to be disbursed the easier it will be for the surviving family members. 


None of these tips are staggering, but the value of understanding the information truly is!  The Rule of 7 says it takes hearing something 7 times for it to really hit home. By taking the time to read this article, you can add another ‘check mark’ toward creating an estate plan. For more estate planning information check out the links below.   If you’re not sure where to start, call us 250-753-2242 or click here to apply online:  Mortgage Application







 photo credit:https://www.karphotography.net

Mortgage Options for Self Employed

Self Employed : Mortgages

Woman working hard at her business

Business Owner? There are options for mortgage financing.

Being self employed has many advantages, like setting your own schedule and being your own boss.  You also have the advantage to write off items to decrease your taxable income.  This is great when it comes time to pay the Government, but can create challenges when you are planning on borrowing.  There is a major advantage to working with a broker who is well versed in Business for Self (BFS) programs available.

The Gold Standard for Self Employed

The most universal method to calculating self employed individuals income is by taking a 2 year average.  To achieve ideal interest rates, a 2-year average of your NET income is used.  That means your gross income is not the amount being used to calculate your capacity for a mortgage.  All write-offs and deductions are used to calculate your Net Income.  If your Net income has been declining, the lower amount is used for qualification purposes.  In an ideal world, real estate transactions would be planned a few years in advance–allowing for pre-planning with your accountant.

Traditional Lending – New to BFS

There are programs available through traditional lenders for clients who have less than 2 years self employed.  The requirements include having to have worked in the same industry as before they became self employed.  The client needs to be able to show that they have a history in the industry to qualify for this program.

Subprime Lenders

Subprime lenders offer solutions to a variety of self employed individuals.  Clients could be new to their industry, or well established but their past years net income isn’t an accurate reflection of current income.  Regardless, there are Subprime lenders who might be able to help.  Subprime lenders will complete a review of your business bank statements for the past 6-12 months. Lenders review deposits and deduct expenses to arrive at an income amount that will be used for qualification.  Having flexibility in income qualification does come with additional costs.  Interest rates are generally 1-2% higher than a traditional lender, plus there is a lender fee.

Why use a Mortgage Broker

Mortgage Brokers have access to a variety of programs and options for self-employed individuals.  If you’re working with clients who are BFS it’s important they know what’s available.  Brokers have access to multiple programs and lenders, and can ensure that client’s buying power is at it’s full potential.  This gives the client an advantage; providing them with multiple possible solutions.

For more information please call Kevin, Jason or Blaire today 250-753-2242

Fill out our Online Mortgage Application

Before you shop, read this

Mid-Island Mortgage & Savings Ltd. & the Christmas Angels…

Why Budget?

Everyone knows, the cost of living has increased.  Going to the grocery store, the gas pump, or a trip or to the movies all costs more. While there isn’t much that can be done about that in the short term, what is in everyone’s control?  Budgeting.  Work with what you have to help make your finances align with your goals.  You do not have to break the bank this Christmas.  Read through some of our budget tips on how to live within your means. 

Why is it important to set a budget? Spending can get out of control to the point where you may not even know where your money is going.  You may not have any savings plan in place.  Do you want to start saving for a down payment on a house, or to complete some renovations?  Maybe you’re noticing your credit card bills getting out of hand.  The Christmas season puts added pressure on bank accounts, but it doesn’t have to.  Now is the time to pay more attention to your bank account and spending habits.

By creating a budget you can save money, pay down debts, reduce your stress, have more control and have money to do the things that are truly important to you.  Who doesn’t want to live within their means?  

Budget Tips:

Create a Budget

The sooner you create a budget the sooner you can start improving your finances.  Look at your net monthly income, account for expenses are mandatory, and identify any leaks where money seems to be slipping away.  

Free Monthly Budget Tool 

Christmas spending limit

Do not go overboard with gift buying this year.  Get together with family to change how you do things, have a draw for family or friends so you only have to buy for one person.  Rather than an expensive gift exchange, make homemade gifts or do a whacky $10 gift exchange.  Don’t give into pressures of the season, it’s more important to be true to your values than to get the biggest best gift.  Remember what’s truly important to you when it comes to the holidays and focus on that.

Multiple Accounts

Have multiple bank accounts-ensuring that you have a designated spending account will act as your allowance for any discretionary items.  Allocating another account where payments come out on a regular basis means you can set it and forget it. Once you’ve determined how much is going out of that account each month, you know how much to put in and subsequently you can alleviate stress.  It goes without saying, one of these accounts needs to be for Christmas if you intend to spend money around the holidays.

Automatic Transfers

Set an amount that will transfer to your savings each payday.  This can be as low as $25 to get you started and in the habit of saving.  If you have a goal you are saving towards, work backwards. Figure out when you need the money, divide it by how many pay cheques you have until then, and set up your transfer for that amount.  Then when that trip to Mexico comes up, or your hot water tank goes, you’ll have the funds on hand. This will once again reduce stress. 

Emergency Savings

It’s said to have at least 3-6 months worth of expenses in a savings account. For those who aren’t already savers by nature, that can be a daunting number.  Especially when the cost of living has risen so significantly, and ‘extra’ money may seem like a pipe dream.  Start by saving $500 to $1000 as quickly as you can. This can sit in a savings account that is accessible, and can assist in a true emergency should it arise. This could help reduce anxiety if something comes up, and mean you won’t have to rely on credit as heavily.


Give yourself an allowance-really!  Once you have all your monthly expenses set, you know what you’ll be able to put into savings. Provide yourself an amount that can be used for your discretionary spending, could be going to the movies, dinner’s out, or grabbing a fancy coffee.  Don’t make your budget so strict that there isn’t any fun.

Getting Help

Creating a budget is a really great starting point– but getting the help of a professional is a good idea.  A mortgage professional can review your mortgage and other expenses to see if they can help you save money.  Don’t have a mortgage? They can also help get you on the path to home ownership by helping to determine what steps you need to take.    


Free Monthly Budget Tool



Subprime vs Traditional Lending


Coming from a traditional lending background, I’ve often thought of mortgage lending as a puzzle. In order to help the client, every single piece is necessary to get them what they need.  Credit has to be solid, the income both consistent and sufficient, the security (house) had to be in a good location in a decent condition.  All this is required. Without every piece in place, the puzzle just wont work!  The thing is–people’s lives can be complicated, messy even. Puzzle pieces go missing, and some don’t QUITE fit.  

Traditional Lending

Lets explain; Banks, Credit Union’s, and Monoline Lenders (companies regulated by the bank act who offer single products, in this case mortgages) all have to adhere to specific rules set by the Government.  Within those rules, the companies themselves can work with their board, risk management and shareholders to ensure that their best practices are within those rules.  They may decide to assume more risk in one area but less in another. Offering products or programs that target specific audiences. Acting within the letter of the law and their internal policies and practices.  For the most part, doing the same puzzle, with the same pieces.  


Subprime, or “B” Lenders, do not have to adhere to the same rules as big banks.  Privately owned, operated and regulated they offer their own unique pieces to the puzzle.  These lenders offer assistance to borrowers who aren’t a fit for the major lenders, so credit issues, self-employment or lack of sufficient income fits for them.  They have more flexibility in how they lend and who they lend to. 

Of course, guidelines are still in place, they merely have more of a landing pad for the “unbankable”.  Anytime a lender is taking on higher risk mortgages, there is a premium for that, and with subprime lenders it translates to higher interest rates than other lenders, and sometimes lender fees.  It would be easy for a person to sit back and form opinions based on the idea that they are charging what they are. Some might say that the people seeking money from these companies “shouldn’t even be borrowing”.

Self Employed

For our self-employed clients, the general rule of thumb is that lenders want to see the last two year’s income tax returns (T1 Generals).  For a self-employed individual, this may not be the most current and accurate version of their finances.  Subprime lenders offer Business for Self programs such as stated income that require the last 6 months of business bank statements to support the cash flowing into the company.

Credit Issues

If you go bankrupt or file a consumer proposal you’ll generally be waiting 2 years from your date of discharge in order to be a candidate for a mortgage at a bank or Credit Union.  With subprime lenders, they consider you right away.  Their minimum credit requirements are significantly lower.  Many people may think that once their mortgage is placed with a Subprime lender that they’re going to be with them forever. This is not true.  Often clients will work with their Mortgage Broker to make a plan to make their way back to an A lender.  This could mean a variety of things. A hyper focus on paying bills on time, to earning additional income.  Whatever it may be, you won’t be alone, our Brokers will work with you to set a plan and will continue to check in to help keep you on track.


There tends to be a real stigma out there about the Subprime lending world. In a situation where you may lose the house because of lack of income, an illness, a bad relationship or business venture that left you in a tough spot–There are options for you.  Of course the ideal lending situation is to be able to have a mortgage through a major bank, or monoline company. The interest rates will be less and there will be less fees.  No one is disputing that. 

However, in my decade and a half in the finance world to confidently say that there are many of us who “do not make the mark” set by banks.  I feel fortunate to be able to offer people solutions that fit their situation, to meet them where they are.  In many cases the solutions will help them maintain or improve their housing situation, and help their financial situation.

Being a mortgage underwriter at a traditional financial institution for many years, my experience with lending was limited to our own products and services. Helping people to have access to the Subprime lenders gives me the ability to help people work with what they have.  Putting their puzzles together in a way that works for them! 

I am grateful and appreciative of the opportunity to offer mortgage and financing solutions for our clients.  Interested in learning more, or have questions about your own ability to qualify for a mortgage please call or email us.  If you’re buying, renewing, refinancing we would be more than happy to help work with you to figure out your options.

Mid Island Mortgage & Savings LTD Quarterly draw

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By: Edward Trapunski

We were recently very flattered to be invited to dinner by a young couple that we know. It was the first time that we visited their home and we were overwhelmed by how beautiful it is. Home for them and their two pre-schoolers is on an attractive street in one of the most desirable enclaves in the city.

He’s on leave from his job while he pursues more education so that he can better himself. She has a good job but, as yet, she has no security. It’s scary.

It’s very hard for young people to buy a house, according to what you read and hear. Still, here’s a young couple who own a beautiful five-bedroom, four-bathroom house near a ravine for which they paid $1.2 million. It’s not out of line for Toronto.

Here’s how they managed to do it:

The house they owned previously wasn’t in a nice neighborhood. It was a fixer-upper and they spent the money to have the work done. It was a good investment because they were able to sell their modest first house for considerably more than they bought it for. It helped that housing prices were escalating and the area they were leaving had yuppified.

So it was the first house that gave them the leverage. They had saved up for it. My young friend is a family guy and the prospect of a household full of children was a stronger motivator for him than travelling. He still enjoyed his good seats watching the Blue Jays but he came straight home right after the game. The nest egg my friend and his wife accumulated by being homebodies showed the lenders enough that they were responsible and had no problem shopping for a favorable mortgage.

For that first house they also took advantage of the Home Buyers’ Plan (HBP). The Canadian government allows first-time home buyers to borrow up to $35,000 tax free from their RRSP. If you’re purchasing with someone who’s also a first-time homebuyer, you can both access the $35,000 for a total of $60,000. If you have a down payment of at least 20% of the purchase price of the home, the savings can be significant, and you won’t have to buy mortgage default insurance. Married couples and common-law partners both qualify. However, since the HBP is considered a loan, it must be repaid within 15 years at the rate of at least 1/15 of the loan every year.

My friends also accessed what is colloquially known as the Bank of Mom and Dad. They were lucky enough that both sides of the family were prepared to help them out with the down payment. This isn’t as rare as you think any more. In the 1960s, people usually lived until they were 65 or 70. When they passed away, they’d leave enough in their estate for their children—who were 30 or 35 years younger than them—to use to buy a house. Now that people are living longer, they’re giving their adult children the money while they’re still alive to help them get into the housing market.

Many parents these days are prepared to help their children settle down faster than they could do on their own. Also, with interest rates at such historically low levels, it makes sense to help your children take advantage of a situation that may never come again. Provided it doesn’t jeopardize their own finances or retirement plans, many parents feel a sense of personal satisfaction in making a difference in their adult children’s lives. They also want to ensure that they’ll see the rewards of having a stable life for their grandchildren before they’re gone.

My young friends began with a starter home, as I did. Now they plan to live in their lovely home for the rest of their lives — and they can — so they see it as an important investment for themselves and for their children. That’s why they’re glad they did it.

Have more mortgage questions or concerns? Call our office today at 250 753 2242 and we can help with all of your mortgage questions!

“LIKE” our Facebook page or “SHARE” this post to be entered into our quarterly draw for a $150.00 gift card!!!

Facebook: www.facebook.com/midislandmortgagenanaimo
We thrive off of your continued support and client referrals. Let us reward you for helping us get our name out into the community! Please mention who referred you or how you heard from us, when filling out your mortgage application. The name you give us will also be entered into the same draw for coming in to see us!

We are open Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. Kevin Decker can also be reached after hours at 250 619 2262 and Jason Barudin can be reached at 250 668 2203.

Lenders hike fixed rates yet again, bringing them closer to 4.5%

-Steve Huebl of Canadian Mortgage Trends-


Following a jump in bond yields last week, lenders across the country once again bumped up their fixed mortgage rates.


Big banks like RBC, TD and BMO hiked 5-year fixed rates by 20 to 25 basis points, with all three offering uninsured rates at 4.39%.


The move follows a nearly 10-bps jump in the Government of Canada 5-year bond yield, which leads 5-year fixed rates. The 5-year bond yield closed at an 11-year high of 2.88% on Friday. Since the beginning of the year, bond yields are up over 165 bps.



Among national lenders, the average uninsured 5-year fixed rate is now 4.37%, up from 3.92% a month ago, according to data tracked by Rob McLister, rate analyst and editor of Mortgage Logic. The average rate for an insured 5-year fixed mortgage, meaning that with a down payment of less than 20%, is now 4.14%, up from 3.78% a month ago.


That means fixed rates are now up roughly 40 bps in just the span of one month. For perspective, a 50-bps rate increase translates into a roughly $25 higher monthly payment per $100,000 of debt, based on a 25-year amortization.


While this doesn’t impact most borrowers with fixed rates, new borrowers and those renewing a mortgage are facing significantly higher rates compared to just several months ago, and potentially double for those renewing a mortgage.


As fixed rates march higher, variable rates are likely to jump again following the Bank of Canada’s next rate decision meeting on June 1, when it’s expected to hike interest rates another 50 bps. That could bring prime rate—the rate upon which variable rate mortgages and lines of credit are priced—up to 3.70%.


How rising rates will impact mortgage borrowers…

Aside from higher monthly payments, how will mortgage borrowers be impacted by these rising rates?


“As interest rates march higher—we expect the overnight rate to hit 2% by October, a projection that increasingly looks conservative—borrowing costs for Canadians will also rise, leaving the average Canadian household to spend almost $2,000 more in debt payments in 2023,” say economists from RBC Economics.


“This will erode spending power, especially for the lowest earning fifth of households which spend 22% of their after-tax income on debt servicing (including mortgage principal and interest payments),” they add.


On the other hand, RBC notes that the pandemic helped boost savings among Canadian households.


“The pandemic may have boosted debt, but it also left Canadian households sitting on $300 billion in savings,” the RBC economists wrote. “That’s a huge backstop—enough to cover about a year and a half of total Canadian household debt payments.”


How will rising rates impact home prices?

While the latest housing data showed home sales plummeting in April, house prices have so far held steady throughout most of the country outside of Ontario. In the Greater Toronto Area, average prices are so far down roughly 6%, but by as much as 22% depending on the housing type and specific region. Benchmark prices are often a lagging indicator, so further price declines are likely in the months ahead.


“…tomorrow’s homebuyers are going to have a much harder time paying today’s prices if they’re paying 5% on their mortgage compared to the low 2% range just a few months ago, and the high 1% range a year ago,” wrote real estate analyst John Pasalis, president of Realosophy Realty, in a recent post on move smartly.


Pasalis noted some have argued that this isn’t a concern, since many borrowers have been qualifying at a stress test rate of at least 5.25%, but he suggests that’s an oversimplification of the situation.


The mortgage stress test is currently used to qualify borrowers at the greater of the buyer’s actual mortgage rate plus 2% or the benchmark rate, which is currently 5.25%.


“As these are dynamic measures that will change as rates do, the stress test will also increase, which will reduce the amount of debt a buyer can take on,” Pasalis writes, adding that the contract rate influences how much mortgage debt the borrower is willing to take on.


“A buyer who qualifies for a $1M mortgage may be willing to take on that much debt when interest rates are 1.75%, but less so when rates are 4%, because under the higher rate their actual mortgage payment would be roughly $1,100 per month higher,” he wrote.


As a result, if interest rates continue to trend higher, Pasalis says he “would not be surprised if we see some downward pressure on home prices over the next 9 to 18 months due to homebuyers being unwilling or unable to pay today’s prices at tomorrow’s higher interest rates.”


Although, he adds that any price decline would “likely be a temporary one due to long-term fundamental factors that have been contributing to rising home prices in the Toronto area.”



Supporting Ukraine…

Mortgage Professionals Canada | 2022


Mortgage Professionals Canada and the Mortgage Professionals Canada Foundation have partnered to raise and distribute humanitarian relief funds to Ukraine.


The MPC and MPC Foundation Boards of Directors have carefully selected two established charitable organizations for their outstanding efforts to provide much needed medicine, supplies, and shelter to vulnerable individuals coping with hardship in Ukraine.


With the urgency facing the people of Ukraine, we ask that mortgage professionals donate generously to this joint initiative to provide humanitarian relief through: The Canadian Red Cross, and Doctors Without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). Funds will be collected by the MPC Foundation and distributed evenly between these two very capable organizations, each of which will provide support directly to those most impacted.


Mortgage Professionals Canada has already donated $10,000 to support this initiative.


Please join us. Any amount helps. Click here to donate… https://mpcfoundation.ca/donate/ukraine/


Have more mortgage questions or concerns? Call our office today at 250 753 2242 and we can help with all of your mortgage questions!


“LIKE” our Facebook page or “SHARE” this post to be entered into our quarterly draw for a $150.00 gift card!!!


Facebook: www.facebook.com/midislandmortgagenanaimo

We thrive off of your continued support and client referrals. Let us reward you for helping us get our name out into the community! Please mention who referred you or how you heard from us, when filling out your mortgage application. The name you give us will also be entered into the same draw for coming in to see us!


We are open Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. Kevin Decker can also be reached after hours at 250 619 2262 and Jason Barudin can be reached at 250 668 2203.

Many BC homeowners reportedly planning to leave province soon – CMP – REMAX

-Many BC homeowners reportedly planning to leave province soon-

Pandemic impacts and affordability concerns rank high among the reasons for moving out…

A significant share of British Columbian homeowners are planning to leave the province within the next five years, raising the possibility of even more supply entering the red-hot market during that period, according to RE/MAX.

Citing data from Insights West, RE/MAX said that 17% of the province’s homeowners are thinking of selling their home in the next two years, while 29% are considering doing so in the next five years.

Of those planning to sell their homes, 10% are considering downsizing, 11% want to relocate somewhere else in BC, and 9% are planning to move to another province altogether in search of more affordable housing.

“The relentless climb of real-estate prices in BC, and in Metro Vancouver in particular, has resulted in many homeowners weighing their options for cashing out,” said Steve Mossop, president of Insights West. “The option to downsize or move to a different location… in order to take advantage of the equity in their existing home has many weighing the alternatives.”

For 36% of BC’s homeowners, a major driver of the decision to move out was the financial impact of the pandemic. Affordability concerns ranked high on the list as well, with 72% of respondents saying that housing prices will likely continue rising over the next 12 months and lasting well into the next two to five years.

Anxiety surrounding “the likelihood of higher interest rates is also prevalent among BC residents,” RE/MAX said.